Pages tagged 'technology-enhanced learning environments'
- Leeds Metropolitan University - Use of WebCT in a blended approach to developing multimedia websites
- Newcastle University - Use of a VLE to deliver a 'regional' medical school
- Swansea University - Collaborative teaching and video-conferencing in Classics
- Swansea University - The Learning Lab staff development initiative
- University of Birmingham (with Coventry University)
- University of Edinburgh - The Virtual Farm
- University of Edinburgh - Virtual patient cases developed by students using Labyrinth
- University of Exeter - Online economics texts
- University of Glamorgan - Simulation gaming in Business
- University of Glasgow - Supporting Scottish History courses via Moodle
- University of Glasgow - Use of Moodle in Divinity
- University of Glasgow - Use of Moodle in Multimedia analysis and design at HATII
- University of Glasgow - Use of Moodle to support active learning in Classics
- University of Hull - Delivery of MA in Legislative Studies Online (MALSO)
- University of Hull - Use of a VLE to support placement students on WHIP
- University of Wolverhampton - The 'Religions in Wolverhampton' web environment