Pages tagged 'online learning'
- Blossom
- Co-generative Toolkits (Co-genT)
- ComPort
- e-Portfolios - International Examples
- Enhancing Learner Progression (ELP)
- ePistle
- eReturn
- Flourish
- HeLM
- Higher Education Learning Portfolio for Placements (HELPP)
- Individualised Support for Learning through e-Portfolios (ISLE)
- Interactive Work-based Learning Environment (iWoBLE)
- Joining up Organisations to Support new Engineering Pathways into HE (JOSEPH)
- Kent Personal Learning Portal Pilot (Kent PLPP)
- Learning Matrix
- Leeds Metropolitan University - Use of summative computer assisted assessment in Applied Technology
- Leeds Metropolitan University - Use of WebCT in a blended approach to developing multimedia websites
- Manchester Self-Directed Learning Environments and e-Portfolios (MANSLE)
- Newcastle University - Use of e-portfolios to develop a reflective approach in medicine
- Nottingham LEAP2A e-Portfolio Interoperability (LEAP2A)
- Personal Development Planning for Cross-Institutional Lifelong Learning (PDP4XL2)
- Regional Interoperability Project on Progression for Lifelong Learning (RIPPLL)
- Sheffield Hallam University - Use of a VLE to introduce contemporary resources
- Sheffield Hallam University - Use of e-portfolios in Social Sciences
- Sheffield Hallam University - Use of video case studies to highlight issues in Qualitative Research
- Supporting Ongoing Learning in Vocational Settings (SOLVS)
- Swansea University - Collaborative teaching and video-conferencing in Classics
- Swansea University - The Learning Lab staff development initiative
- Swansea University - Use of podcasting in Archaeology
- The University of Nottingham - Disability support in computer-based assessment
- The University of Nottingham - Moving from OMR to CBA for summative exams in medicine
- The University of Warwick - A team-based approach to developing e-resources
- The University of Warwick - Use of e-assessment in medicine
- University of Birmingham (with Coventry University)
- University of Bradford
- University of Central Lancashire - Accessible online training for Health Care professionals
- University of Derby - Formative e-assessment in Economics
- University of Derby - Online delivery of BA Business Studies
- University of Derby - Online delivery of MSc Strategic Management in Africa
- University of Edinburgh - e-Assessment in Medicine and Veterinary Medicine
- University of Edinburgh - The Virtual Farm
- University of Edinburgh - Virtual patient cases developed by students using Labyrinth
- University of Exeter - Online economics texts
- University of Glamorgan - Phased online summative assessment in undergraduate accounting
- University of Glamorgan - Simulation gaming in Business
- University of Glasgow - Supporting Scottish History courses via Moodle
- University of Glasgow - Use of Moodle in Multimedia analysis and design at HATII
- University of Glasgow - Use of Moodle to support active learning in Classics
- University of Glasgow - Use of podcasting in Philosophy
- University of Hull - Delivery of MA in Legislative Studies Online (MALSO)
- University of Hull - Online MEd in e-Learning programme
- University of Hull - Use of a VLE to support placement students on WHIP
- University of Wolverhampton - The 'Religions in Wolverhampton' web environment
- University of Wolverhampton - Use of e-portfolios and blogging in Teacher Education
- University of Wolverhampton - Use of e-portfolios to support nursing and midwifery
- Wider Opportunities for Reflection Learning and Development (myWORLD)
- Work Based Learners in Further Education (WoLF)